
Back Tips For Everyone

Many back injuries result from incorrect lifting. Lifting large or heavy objects is not the only way you can injure your back. Unless you use safe techniques, picking up even a small article can cause a painful injury.

Here are a few tips to help prevent back injuries:

  • First, size up the load. There are several ways that you can do this. One method is to look at the weight label on the carton or package. Another method is to lift one corner to gauge the weight. This will give you an idea of what you are up against - before you start the lift.
  • Next, do a few stretching exercises to warm up your back, arm, and leg muscles. Cold, stiff muscles can be easily injured.
  • Then, plan your route. Make sure you know where you are going with the object and check the route for obstacles. If you have to walk quite a distance with your load, pre-plan spots where you can easily stop for a short rest. But, a better solution is to use a hand truck for long distances.
  • Protect your hands. Examine the load for sharp edges, metal staples or leaks. Wear gloves if necessary, especially for protection from excessively hot or cold objects
  • Lift the object right. Get close to the article and center your body over your feet. Bend your knees, and keep your spine straight. Grasp the package. Use your stronger leg muscles to push yourself upright.
  • As you start the lift, raise your eyes and look ahead. This will keep your spine in correct alignment.
  • Keep the load close to your body to exert less force on your back.
  • Make sure you can clearly see over the load. If your vision is blocked you may trip and fall.
  • Always move your feet rather than twisting your body to change directions
  • Plan ahead for unloading. An ideal spot would be at waist height to prevent unnecessary bending.
  • To unload, crouch down and use your thigh muscles to lower the object. Keep your back straight, and the article held close to your body while unloading.
Occasionally an object may be too heavy for one person to pick up. Don't try to be a hero. There are several ways that you can lift a difficult load.

  • Ask a co-worker to assist you. Try to find someone who is about your height. This will make the lift easier to do.
  • When two or more people are involved in a lift, decide ahead of time who is the team leader. This person is responsible for giving commands such as "lift," "move" and "set down." Coordination of movements will prevent sudden starts or stops, and changes in weight distribution.
  • Use mechanical assistance such as a hand truck or pallet mover. But, before you use this equipment, make sure you know how to properly operate it. Ask your supervisor for assistance if you don't know the correct procedures.
  • To pick up an awkward object, such as a sack, bend at the knees and grasp it at opposite corners. Gradually straighten your legs and push yourself up. Remember to hold the load close to your body and at about waist height.
Although we have only covered the basics, you should be able to adapt these tips to everything that you lift. Remember to think it through before you lift. Plan your moves, and limber up your muscles frequently during the day.

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