
The Danger in Anger!

If you have angry personnel in your unit or you yourself are angry, you might end up recording more injuries on the job. A recent research by the Annals of Family Medicine established that high levels
of anger upsurge the likelihood of injury. Angry persons are more likely to suffer injuries serious enough to need emergency medical care, and the risk is greater for men than women, says lead author Daniel Vinson of the University of Missouri.

The research, in the Annals of Family Medicine, establish that nearly 32 per cent of all the patients reported being bad-tempered just before they were injured, 18 per cent reported being angry and 13 per cent reported being hostile.

Anger more than multiplied a person's chances of being injured, while being hostile increased those chances six fold. For men, Vinson says, the connection was particularly clear. Another research that followed 100 drivers for two weeks connected occurrences of anger with "near accidents". Two more studies found that angry persons were more to be expected to have car crashes or sustain football injuries.

There is no doubt that anger can be an influencing factor in workplace injuries, but what can be done about it?

Here are some tips:

  • Deliberately determine to be peaceful. Do not respond, think! Remember your goals and respond correctly. Decide to stay calm!
  •  Communicate. When someone offends you, tell them. Coolly talk to them about how you feel about their words or activities. Learn to express yourself well, clear and composed. Decide to!
  • Remove yourself. Stay away from the scene pending when you can respond without anger. Your attainment will not occur overnight. Take it one step at a time, one day at a time. Recall being relaxed. Relaxation workouts or music can be helpful. Bear in mind you can reach out to someone you trust for help. Decide to!
  • Often take time for yourself. Do something you delight in like walking in the park, swimming, reading the Bible, or seeing a good movie. Do something nice for someone you have a high regard for. It's all right to feel good about yourself. Decide to!
  • Behold for the positives. Do not settle on the negatives. Do not worry about things that are out of your own control. This is challenging, but an attitude and behavior that can be studied

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